
Eve conceived of this site when she was faced with all the poor misguided females (men in disguise maybe?? hmmm) that appear at music, social, and shopping venues so badly dressed she can hardly stand to look at them without grabbing them and screaming “please, I beg you, let me help you to appear like you have some taste!”  The urge was so great to help all the poorly attired souls that she decided she should probably find a not quite so offensive way to assist before she started getting ejected from her favorite venues for outright rudeness. Now all she and her blogging compadres have to do is hand out a blog address…and hope the darlings actually visit it and take a hint. *sigh* But what else can they do?

Besides, it gives her some justification…however small or mistaken it may be…for all the time and Lindens she spends shopping in her favorite virtual world.